February 15
Helping Hand, 9-12
February 23
Bible Study at Chet & Brenda Schall’s home, 4:30
February 25
Helping Hand 10-3
Welcome new members Justin and Cierra Claypoole, Barbara Johns, Amy Blose, Kyle and Lindsey Uptegraph
Food bank needs the following items (not limited to): laundry soap, toilet paper, body wash, shampoo, deodorant, dish soap, toilet bowl cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, peanut butter, jelly canned tuna, and canned chicken
All are welcome to join Dr. Angel in his office every Tuesday at 10 am for prayer time!
Children’s sermon volunteers see Dr. Angel or Susan to schedule.
To volunteer in the nursery during worship, contact Susan Schrecengost.
Those in need of help from our food bank, please contact the church office at 724-354-3117.
To sign up for chancel flowers, contact Joanie Riggle 724-954-1671.
Weekly offerings can be mailed to the church address, PO Box 159, Elderton, PA 15736.
Current services can be viewed on our Facebook page.
Prayer chain request contact: Linda Prugh, 724-354-4787 (home), 724-464-8861 (cell) or larrylee201@comcast.net (email)